Friday, September 10, 2010

Synagogue App on My Cousin's Phone

I sat around at the dinner table of my cousin's home yesterday in Ossining. I found myself pulled in a million different conversations, but couldn't help overhearing my 2nd cousin (who is 17) showing my great aunt (who is 82 years old) a new app she has on her phone. It's an app that helps her follow and understand Rosh Hashanah service at her synagogue.

Of course my great aunt had a hard time understanding how this works, as the whole app craze is beyond her current understanding of phones. But, I couldn't help but laugh as I thought about all the countless hours of Hebrew school and studying I had to do in order to understand all the prayers during service. Now, my 2nd cousin just has to follow along on her phone and can completely avoid any premeditated work.

I couldn't help but wonder though, did the Rabbi find this rude that she was fidgeting with her phone during his service?

1 comment:

  1. I loved the story. and your bio. how do you managed with two birds and a dog? Did you find these birds or bought them ?

    It sound you are very passionate about traveling.
    Where else have you been ?

    Happy Soucot

